The Club cannot assist with Formals, Grads or Weddings for the reasons listed below
Many vehicles in the Club are on a Concessional Registration which limits use for such events.
In regards to weddings and formal occasions the Guidelines for vehicles on concessional registration state:
You and anyone driving your special interest vehicle must only use the vehicle for ceremonial purposes (such as weddings, formals, funerals) involving immediate and de facto family members, or as part of a sanctioned incorporated Motoring Club event, provided this is not done for fee or reward. Immediate and de facto family means parents, grandparents, sons, daughters, grandchildren, adopted children and adopted grandchildren, but not extended family members such as aunts, uncles, nephews and nieces.
Queensland Transport regulations also prohibit Pay for Service activities involving vehicles that are not registered as For Hire. A family member or family friend can drive others to formal occasions in a registered classic car as long as there is no fare or consideration for the journey (including, e.g. a contribution for fuel).
With this in mind, the club is unable to assist in this matter, sorry.